Here’s a list of my upcoming events — readings, talks, etc.
May 22-24 Living Lakes Canada AGM “Synchronized Swimming: How Citizens, Scientists and other species can work together for water right now.” Talk, reading, signing Winnipeg, MB March 22 Birch Hills Library Spring Gala Talk, reading, signing.Archive of past events
November 18PARCS Provincial Association of Resort Communities
of Saskatchewan AGM
Talk, reading, signing. October 13-23
Litfest. Edmonton’s non-fiction literary festival October 14-15 Saskatchewan Writer’s Guild AGM
Readings, workshops, signing. September 18
Eden Mills Writers Festival, Eden Mills, Ontario
Reading and signing. August 5, 7:00 p.m.
The Blossom Project Launch
AKA Gallery, Saskatoon
One Night Only! see Late July Leacock Festival in Orilla. Talk, reading, signing. July 14-17 Saskatchewan Festival of Words. Readings, signing. May 19-23 Readings, lake cruise, book signings at the Meadowlark Festival in British Columbia’s beautiful Okanagan Valley. April
The David Suzuki Foundation is the co-publisher of Lakeland and many other books. The DSF book club will feature Lakeland this month. More info. and web links to come. March 21, 2011
A talk to open Water Week, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 12 noon in Convocation Hall.